TagPro Analytics

Capture the Game

Science, or how to analyse raw data yourself

As stated in the frequently asked questions, the dataset collected through this userscript should be great for analysing individual matches, maps, players and the game in general. We believe there are much more opportunities for analysis than currently available on this website, and that offline analysis is needed for large-scale research into the dataset. We also think the community should be actively involved in this, so that this website primarily serves as a data warehouse for the community. This page will get you started with analysing the dataset.

JSON fields

Let us first describe the structure of match files, which are formatted as JSON (ignore the last column of this table):

FieldTypeDescriptionDifferences for old tagpro.me records
serverstringDomain name of the game server.
portunsignedPort number assigned to the match by the game server.
officialbooleanIndicator whether the game server is an official server. This field is only available when downloading data from this website!
uuidstringUnique 8-4-4-4-12-digit hexadecimal match identifier assigned by the game server, or the empty string if the match was played on an older server.Not available.
groupstring8-letter group identifier assigned by the game server if this was a group match, or the empty string if this was a public match. When downloading data from this website, you will always see "redacted" for group matches instead of actual identifier for security reasons.Not available.
dateunsignedThe date and time of the start of the match, as a UNIX timestamp. In the database of this website, this value is corrected for the clock difference between the client and this web service.Date indicates end of match instead of start and may be approximate.
timeLimitrealTime limit of the match, in minutes. Usually 12, but this can be customised for group matches. Is always a multiple of 0.25, i.e. 15 seconds.Not available.
durationunsignedActual duration of the match, in frames. Each second consists of 60 frames. Required as input for PlayerLogReader below.Not available. Instead, a field named timeRemaining indicates the unused time on the clock at the end of the match, in frames.
finishedbooleanIndicator whether the match was completed until either the capture limit or time limit was reached.
mapobjectSub-object describing the map of the match.Map has been guessed using name and author and match date. Matches for which no reliable guess was possible have been removed from the database.
map.namestringName of the map, or "Untitled" if untitled. Note that matches on untitled maps are rejected from the database of this website.
map.authorstringAuthor(s) of the map, or "Unknown" if unknown.
map.typestringMap type. "ctf" for public capture-the-flag maps, "nf" for public neutral-flag maps, "nf" for public two-neutral-flags maps, "dtf" for public deliver-the-flag maps, "mb" for public marsball maps, "-" for group-only maps, "e14", "u14", "h14", "b15", "p16", "e16" or "s17" for event maps or the empty string for unofficial maps. This field is only available when downloading data from this website!Group-only potato maps and the 2015 April Fools event are misrepresented as normal public maps.
map.marsballsunsignedNumber of marsballs on the map.
map.widthunsignedWidth of the map, in number of tiles. Required as input for MapLogReader below.
map.tilesblobDescription of the map tile grid, to be decoded by the MapLogReader class below. Implicitly defines the map height when decoded using the correct width.Potatoes, if any, are coded as flags. Gravity wells during the 2015 April Fools event are not indicated.
playersarrayArray of objects describing the players that participated in the match.Only players present at the end of the match are listed.
players[…].authbooleanIndicator whether the player name is his/her reserved name.
players[…].namestringName of the player, or "••••••••••••" for anonymised records.
players[…].flairunsignedFlair of the player. 0 if none. 1 for the top-left flair in the flairs sprite, plus 16 for each row downward, plus 1 for each column to the right.
Not available.
players[…].degreeunsignedDegree of the player, or 0 if stats are disabled, the player is not logged in or the player has no degree yet.Always 0 in special match #b1277368.
players[…].scoresignedScore awarded to the player by the game server. The userscript resets positive scores to zero for early quitters.
players[…].pointsunsignedRank points awarded to the player by the game server at the end of the match. Always 0 in group matches.Not available.
players[…].teamunsignedTeam of the player at the start of the match. 1 for red, 2 for blue, or 0 if the player missed the match start and joined later. Required as input for PlayerLogReader below.Value indicates team at end of the match instead of at start, never 0.
players[…].eventsblobDescription of the player-specific timeline of the match, to be decoded by the PlayerLogReader class below.Not available. Instead, unsigned integer fields named grabs, hold, captures, drops, pops, prevent, returns, tags and support contain the aggregate statistics for the match. hold and prevent are in seconds.
teamsarrayArray of objects describing the teams that participated in the match, excluding player-related data. The two array elements correspond to the red and blue team respectively.
teams[…].namestringName of the team. Usually "Red" for the red team or "Blue" for the blue team, but the group leader can customise this for group matches.Not available.
teams[…].scoreunsignedFinal score of the team at the end of the match, in number of captures. Usually equal to the number of captures derived from the decoded player data, but it can be larger if an initial score was set for a group match.
teams[…].splatsblobDescription of the splat locations for the team, to be decoded by the SplatLogReader class below. Times of the splats can be linked to the pop times in the player-specific timelines, but the individual splat locations cannot be linked to individual pops if multiple team members pop simultaneously.Not available.

Be aware that the fields of type blob are represented by base64-encoded strings. You must first base64-decode them before feeding them to the appropriate LogReader.

Blob format

Of course the really interesting fields are the blob fields. These contain binary data that has to be read bit-by-bit, as they are sequences of the following data types:

TypeLogReader methodDescriptionExample usage
BoolLogReader::readBool()A boolean value (1 bit).Whether a player popped in a time step.
FixedLogReader::readFixed($bits)An unsigned integer, less than 2$bits, stored in a fixed (or exogeneously determined) number of bits $bits.Tile type code on a map (6 bits).
Splat coordinate relative to some reference point (number of bits and reference point position depend on map size).
TallyLogReader::readTally()An unsigned integer stored in a variable number of bits, namely as tally marks. Only efficient for numbers that are almost always very small.Number of tags of a player in a time step.
FooterLogReader::readFooter()An unsigned integer stored in a variable number of bits, using a 2-bit header indicating the length and the remaining other bits indicating the number itself similar to Fixed. The overall data type is called Footer because it always aligns its end to a byte boundary, i.e. a multiple of 8 bits. (The header part of the Footer is used to indicate which byte boundary.) This makes it useful to finalise a block of data with one last integer. Because of the byte-alignment dependency, the maximum possible integer varies, but all numbers less than 1+256+2562+2563=16843009 are guaranteed to fit.Time difference in time steps between two positions on the timeline of a player, minus one.
Number of times the same map tile is repeated.

Hence the key to decoding is to read the right variables of the right types in the right order. We have created three classes, namely PlayerLogReader, MapLogReader and SplatLogReader, to do this for you, and convert the binary data into a series of events. You attach event listeners by creating a child class and overriding the corresponding methods. The PHP code of all classes, which should be easy to translate to any other programming language, is given below.


// Copyright (c) 2020, Jeroen van der Gun
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
//    conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
//    conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
//    provided with the distribution.

abstract class LogReader
$pos 0;
 protected function 
$this->data $data;
 protected function 
$this->pos >> >= strlen($this->data);
 protected function 
$result $this->end() ? ord($this->data[$this->pos >> 3]) >> - ($this->pos 7) & 1;
 protected function 
$result 0;
$result $result << $this->readBool();
 protected function 
$result 0;
 protected function 
$size $this->readFixed(2) << 3;
$free - ($this->pos 7) & 7;
$size |= $free;
$minimum 0;
$free $size)
$minimum += << $free;
$free += 8;
$this->readFixed($size) + $minimum;

abstract class 
PlayerLogReader extends LogReader
 protected function 
joinEvent($time$newTeam) {}
 protected function 
quitEvent($time$oldFlag$oldPowers$oldTeam) {}
 protected function 
switchEvent($time$oldFlag$powers$newTeam) {}
 protected function 
grabEvent($time$newFlag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
captureEvent($time$oldFlag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
flaglessCaptureEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
powerupEvent($time$flag$powerUp$newPowers$team) {}
 protected function 
duplicatePowerupEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
powerdownEvent($time$flag$powerDown$newPowers$team) {}
 protected function 
returnEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
tagEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
dropEvent($time$oldFlag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
popEvent($time$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
startPreventEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
stopPreventEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
startButtonEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
stopButtonEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
startBlockEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
stopBlockEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
 protected function 
endEvent($time$flag$powers$team) {}
noTeam 0;
redTeam 1;
blueTeam 2;
noFlag 0;
opponentFlag 1;
opponentPotatoFlag 2;
neutralFlag 3;
neutralPotatoFlag 4;
temporaryFlag 5;
noPower 0;
jukeJuicePower 1;
rollingBombPower 2;
tagProPower 4;
topSpeedPower 8;
 public function 
$time 0;
$flag self::noFlag;
$powers self::noPower;
$prevent false;
$button false;
$block false;
$newTeam $this->readBool() ? $team $this->readBool() ? self::noTeam $team $this->readBool() : $team// quit : switch : join : stay
$dropPop $this->readBool();
$returns $this->readTally();
$tags $this->readTally();
$grab = !$flag && $this->readBool();
$captures $this->readTally();
$keep = !$dropPop && $newTeam && ($newTeam == $team || !$team) && (!$captures || (!$flag && !$grab) || $this->readBool());
$newFlag $grab $keep $this->readFixed(2) : self::temporaryFlag $flag;
$powerups $this->readTally();
$powersDown self::noPower;
$powersUp self::noPower;
$i 1$i 16$i <<= 1)
$powers $i) { if($this->readBool()) $powersDown |= $i; }
    else if(
$powerups && $this->readBool()) { $powersUp |= $i$powerups--; }
$togglePrevent $this->readBool();
$toggleButton $this->readBool();
$toggleBlock $this->readBool();
$time += $this->readFooter();
$team && $newTeam)
$team $newTeam;
$i 0$i $returns$i++) $this->returnEvent($time$flag$powers$team);
$i 0$i $tags$i++) $this->tagEvent($time$flag$powers$team);
$flag $newFlag;
$keep || !$flag$this->flaglessCaptureEvent($time$flag$powers$team);
     else { 
$this->captureEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $flag self::noFlag$keep true; }
$i 1$i 16$i <<= 1)
$powersDown $i) { $powers ^= $i$this->powerdownEvent($time$flag$i$powers$team); }
    else if(
$powersUp $i) { $powers |= $i$this->powerupEvent($time$flag$i$powers$team); }
$i 0$i $powerups$i++) $this->duplicatePowerupEvent($time$flag$powers$team);
$prevent) { $this->stopPreventEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $prevent false; }
    else { 
$this->startPreventEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $prevent true; }
$button) { $this->stopButtonEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $button false; }
    else { 
$this->startButtonEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $button true; }
$block) { $this->stopBlockEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $block false; }
    else { 
$this->startBlockEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $block true; }
$flag) { $this->dropEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $flag self::noFlag; }
$newTeam != $team)
$newTeam) { $this->quitEvent($time$flag$powers$team); $powers self::noPower; }
$flag self::noFlag;
$team $newTeam;

abstract class 
MapLogReader extends LogReader
 protected function 
heightEvent($newY) {}
 protected function 
tileEvent($newX$y$tile) {}
emptyTile 0;
squareWallTile 10;
lowerLeftDiagonalWallTile 11;
upperLeftDiagonalWallTile 12;
upperRightDiagonalWallTile 13;
lowerRightDiagonalWallTile 14;
neutralFloorTile 20;
redFlagTile 30;
blueFlagTile 40;
neutralSpeedpadTile 50;
powerupTile 60;
jukeJuicePowerupTile 61;
rollingBombPowerupTile 62;
tagProPowerupTile 63;
topSpeedPowerupTile 64;
spikeTile 70;
buttonTile 80;
openGateTile 90;
closedGateTile 91;
redGateTile 92;
blueGateTile 93;
bombTile 100;
redFloorTile 110;
blueFloorTile 120;
entryPortalTile 130;
exitPortalTile 131;
redSpeedpadTile 140;
blueSpeedpadTile 150;
neutralFlagTile 160;
temporaryFlagTile 161// just a dummy, cannot occur on maps
const redEndzoneTile 170;
blueEndzoneTile 180;
redPotatoFlagTile 190;
bluePotatoFlagTile 200;
neutralPotatoFlagTile 210;
marsballTile 211// just a dummy, cannot occur on maps
const gravitywellTile 220;
yellowFloorTile 230;
redEntryPortalTile 240;
redExitPortalTile 241;
blueEntryPortalTile 250;
blueExitPortalTile 251;
 public function 
$x 0$y 0;
$this->end() || $x)
$tile $this->readFixed(6))
$tile <  6$tile +=   9;              //  1- 5 ->  10- 14
else if($tile 13$tile = ($tile -  4) * 10//  6-12 ->  20- 80
else if($tile 17$tile +=  77;              // 13-16 ->  90- 93
else if($tile 20$tile = ($tile -  7) * 10// 17-19 -> 100-120
else if($tile 22$tile += 110;              // 20-21 -> 130-131
else if($tile 32$tile = ($tile -  8) * 10// 22-31 -> 140-230
else if($tile 34$tile += 208;              // 32-33 -> 240-241
else if($tile 36$tile += 216;              // 34-35 -> 250-251
else                $tile = ($tile 10) * 10// 36-63 -> 260-530
$i $this->readFooter(); $i$i--)
$x == $width) { $x 0; ++$y; }

abstract class 
SplatLogReader extends LogReader
 protected function 
splatsEvent($splats$timeIndex) {}
 private static function 
$size *= 40;
$grid $size 1;
$result 32;
$grid 0xFFFF0000)) { $result -= 16$grid <<= 16; }
$grid 0xFF000000)) { $result -=  8$grid <<=  8; }
$grid 0xF0000000)) { $result -=  4$grid <<=  4; }
$grid 0xC0000000)) { $result -=  2$grid <<=  2; }
$grid 0x80000000)) $result--;
  return array(
$result, ((<< $result) - $size >> 1) + 20);
 public function 
$x $this->bits($width);
$y $this->bits($height);
$time 0; !$this->end(); $time++)
$i $this->readTally())
$splats = array();
$splats[] = array($this->readFixed($x[0]) - $x[1], $this->readFixed($y[0]) - $y[1]);


A few remarks should be made here:


The following example PHP script, designed to be run from the command line, reads a JSON match file, and then outputs to the console the map in Unicode art, the match timeline, and the splats of each team along with the corresponding times. It should be simple to adapt this to measure any other metric from the match data.


// Copyright (c) 2015, Jeroen van der Gun
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
//    conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
//    conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
//    provided with the distribution.

$argc != 2)
'Usage: php ' $argv[0] . " <filename>\n");


PlayerEventHandler extends PlayerLogReader
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' joins team ' $newTeam; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' quits team ' $oldTeam; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' switches to team ' $newTeam; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' grabs flag ' $newFlag; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' captures flag ' $oldFlag; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' captures marsball'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' powers up ' $powerUp; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' extends power'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' powers down ' $powerDown; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' returns'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' tags'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$pops$events[$time][] = $player->name ' drops flag ' $oldFlag$pops[$team][$time] = true; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$pops$events[$time][] = $player->name ' pops'$pops[$team][$time] = true; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' starts preventing'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' stops preventing'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' starts buttoning'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' stops buttoning'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' starts blocking'; }
 protected function 
 { global 
$player$events$events[$time][] = $player->name ' stops blocking'; }
 protected function 
$events[$time][] = $player->name ' ends in team ' $team;
 public function 
$events[0][] = $player->name ' starts in team ' $player->team;
parent::__construct(base64_decode($player->events), $player->team$match->duration);

MapEventHandler extends MapLogReader
 protected function 
$mapHeight $newY 1;
 protected function 
self::squareWallTile: echo '■'; break;
self::lowerLeftDiagonalWallTile: echo '◣'; break;
self::upperLeftDiagonalWallTile: echo '◤'; break;
self::upperRightDiagonalWallTile: echo '◥'; break;
self::lowerRightDiagonalWallTile: echo '◢'; break;
self::redFlagTile: case self::blueFlagTile: case self::neutralFlagTile: echo '⚑'; break;
self::neutralSpeedpadTile: case self::redSpeedpadTile: case self::blueSpeedpadTile: echo '⤧'; break;
self::powerupTile: echo '◎'; break;
self::spikeTile: echo '☼'; break;
self::buttonTile: echo '•'; break;
self::openGateTile: case self::closedGateTile: case self::redGateTile: case self::blueGateTile: echo '▦'; break;
self::bombTile: echo '☢'; break;
   default: echo 
' ';
 public function 
parent::__construct(base64_decode($match->map->tiles), $match->map->width);

SplatEventHandler extends SplatLogReader
 protected function 
$splats as $splat)
timeFormat($pops[$index+1][$time]), ' ('$splat[0], ','$splat[1], ")\n";
 public function 
parent::__construct(base64_decode($team->splats), $match->map->width$mapHeight);


$match json_decode(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
$mapHeight 1;
$events = array();
$pops = array(=> array(), array());
$match->players as $player)
$events as $time => $timeEvents)
$timeEvents as $message)
timeFormat($time), ' '$message"\n";
$match->teams as $index => $team)
"\nTEAM "$index+1" SPLATS\n";
$pops[$index+1] = array_keys($pops[$index+1]);
$splats = array();


Downloading bulk data

Rather than downloading data from individual matches, you can also download the entire database in bulk. The bulk data is split into two JSON files, maps and matches:

inclusive (beware: full dataset is several gigabytes)

Here, matches and maps are coupled to a key indicating their id. Matches have a mapId property indicating the map id. Which files you need depends on the type of analysis you want to do. Note that the splat data is located in the Matches file, although splat data cannot be read without the Maps file.

C++ implementation

In addition to the previous PHP code, we also have a C++ implementation of all decoders. This is especially handy for processing the large bulk data files efficiently. Download this zip file, which contains the above blob readers in tagpro.h, base64-functionality in base64.h and a JSON parser in json.h. The file test.cpp is an example program processing the bulk data that you can use as a starting point for your own.

Note that your compiler must support C++11 or later. For some compilers, e.g. GCC, you may need to set a command-line flag to enable C++11 support.

Old tagpro.me records

Prior to TagPro Analytics, there used to be the tagpro.me website run by bluesoul. We have merged his data into our database. Although these old matches cannot be downloaded individually, they are available in the following bulk JSON file:

This can be used with the same bulk maps file as above. Be aware that there are important differences in the data format; consequently, your analyses cannot be as advanced as with TagPro Analytics. The differences are outlined in the last column of the table at the top of this page. All match ids of tagpro.me matches start with the letter b. Special match #b1277368 did not originate from the tagpro.me dataset but follows the same format.

If you want, you can download the original CSV file published by bluesoul as a torrent. However, it is probably more useful to use our transformation of this dataset, as the original publication contains many incomplete, duplicate and partly corrupted records, which we repaired or removed as appropriate. It may be helpful to know that the match id on TagPro Analytics is equal to the id of the first player of a match in the original dataset.

Map conversion tool

If you have the PNG and JSON files of a map in standard TagPro format, select them together in the form below in order to render the map and output a converted map description in TagPro Analytics format.


XML Sitemaps are provided for the match page URLs of this website, allowing you to quickly see which match ids are in use. Each Sitemap contains a specific range of match ids of at most 50,000 matches each. The URLs of the Sitemaps can be found in the Sitemap Index, which is extended every time a new Sitemap has been filled. The first 15 Sitemaps are for the old tagpro.me matches.

Good luck!

We understand that this requires quite some effort, but you should be able to produce awesome data analyses using this dataset. Please credit us as your data source when you publish any analysis, so that other people can find out too about this service.

Finally, whatever you do or want to do with this dataset, please check out and subscribe to /r/tagprostatistics. Please post there if you have anything to share, so that everybody is aware of what others are doing.